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15 Nov

Understanding Pupil Dilation in Children:

At CENTRE OPHTALMOLOGIQUE DU GLACIS, we understand that visiting an eye clinic can be an important event for both children and parents and sometimes can be scary to apprehend. One of the common procedures during an eye exam for children is pupil dilation.If urgent it can be done the same day, if not then a secondary appointment is scheduled. This step helps us get a better look at the internal structures of the eye and ensures an accurate prescription for glasses if needed.

Why Do We Dilate Children’s Pupils?

Pupil dilation allows our ophthalmologists to examine the back of the eye thoroughly, which is especially important in children. Children often have stronger focusing abilities, and dilation helps relax the eye muscles so we can determine the most accurate glasses prescription. This is crucial for identifying vision issues early, which helps ensure proper visual development.

What to Expect ?

After dilating drops are applied twice or sometimes. three times,  pupils fully dilate. Your child may experience blurred vision, especially for near tasks, and light sensitivity for a few hours to a day or more depending on iris colour after the exam. It’s a good idea to bring sunglasses for your child to wear afterward to help with the light sensitivity.

Glasses Prescription in Luxembourg

If glasses are required, our team will provide you with a detailed prescription. In Luxembourg, the healthcare system CNS or RCAM/JSIS  if under European Instituion coverage have specific guidlines for reimbursments (for CNS : ). 

Our goal is to make sure your child’s vision is as clear as possible and their eye health is well taken care of. If you have any questions or would like more information about your child’s eye exam, don’t hesitate to ask us or our Team Members.

              GOOD                                                   NOT GOOD

The first picture shows a well centered frame that rests comfortably on the nose, the other two pictures show a badly positioned glass.

Heres a little video to summarise Cycloplegia :

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